
In this series of vertical canvases produced for the exhibition Memoirs of archives, living memories at the Galerie de l’Entracte in Ville d’Avray, I invoke the memory of the gladioli grown in my grandmother’s vegetable garden… Their large, sharp stems, like swords (the Latin name for this flower) stood proudly, neatly aligned. But they were only fragile. All it took was a gust of wind to turn the beautiful arrangement upside down. The golden paint that enhances the scarlet petals evokes the preciousness of memory. We forget a lot, but certain images of the past remain anchored in us. Dialogue with the paintings: an installation of dried flowers. Time has passed, the garden no longer exists, my grandmother is dead. Only memory remains.

Exhibition “Archive memories, living memories”

These works were created especially for the exhibition Mémoires d’archives, memoires vives which was held from October 14 to November 19, 2023 at the Galerie de l’Entracte in Ville-d’Avray (92)

This exhibition was created at the initiative of the artist Alexandra Chauchereau. She invited me and 4 other artists: Eva Bodinet, Guillaume Boutigny, Salwa Fathallah and Dale Joseph Rowe.

exhibition Memories of archives, living memories, view of the hanging
exposition, Berthe & Edgar, peinture

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